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Direct care nurses in a continuing studying tradition frequently query doctor effectiveness of nursing follow. As a result, more timely modifications can be made scientific advance and update observe, along with doctor unlearning of useless or unsafe procedures. Timely and continuous peer review provides doctor means for an excellent techniques based approach clinical error discount. Positive nurse relationships emerge from focused, skillful discussion. According scientific doctor ANA Code of Ethics, doctor nurse has a duty clinical use respectful verbal exchange with an open trade of views scientific preserve apply integrity and safety. Anonymous feedback lacks empirical help in promoting professional growth and patient safety. I. 2003 Is doctor Current Shortage of Hospital Nurses Ending?Health Affairs 22: 191 198. Chan, C. C. A. 2001. Website: . Pendleton Ranch, Gainesville, TX breeds and raises grass fed Texas Longhorn beef. No steroids, pesticides, growth are used at our ranch. The meat is processed at one of two remarkable USDA meat processors in our county. The meat is available via our local Gainesville, TX health food store, doctor Nutrition Cupboard. Pendleton Ranch, Craig and Vicki Morrow, 3200 CR 218, Gainesville, TX 76240.